Non-Scientific Advice On Writing A Scientific Article

This means only that you have to set aside for a limited period of time. The article is not written over the years. You simply abandon it and do not finish it.

The rule of two hours

Often in foreign blogs about writing abstracts and dissertations you can see discussions about the two-hour rule. It lies in the fact that in a day you can find two productive hours, during which the maximum of all daily work is performed. Find them. Everyone can have them at different times. If it’s morning hours, then refuse to check email, Facebook and other social networksdo it at lunch. At the 24×7 com you can have the perfect addressing of the same.

Fear of beginning can be overcome by opening the page and breaking it into sections.

Literally: name, enter, enter, enter, enter, enter main part etc. Approximately you already know how much space is allocated for parts of the article. You can even register.

Write an article not from the beginning or from the end. Write it in pieces

You have a thought on the articlewrite it down, there is a notewrite it down. Then start adding text around (top and bottom). So pieces are born. If you start writing with an introduction, you will spend much more time.

On the issue of “notes”

Notes arise when reading academic (less oftenjournalistic) literaturemonographs, articles, theses, when, on the basis of someone’s text, an idea arises about what you can write in your own, how to build your article. Or when someone’s research prompts the thought of holding his own, but using the methods that the author used or similar to them. You may like how someone built an evidence base, made generalizations or described the results, and you interpret these ideas in your research.

Make sketches quickly, without thinking about the beautiful construction of sentences, the selection of the “right” words

You can write short sentences, and replace words that you don’t immediately pick up with synonymsyou will return to them later.


Add where necessary. Reread again. You will be surprised when you find out how much you can write in two hours every day.

When the main text of the article is readyre-read it

Remove fuzzy arguments and what you think is not necessary, not related to the disclosure of the topic. Leave the most important thing. Edit. Write the missing parts of the article (introduction, conclusion, discussion, annotation). And take a breakget distracted, watch a movie, go for lunch, take a walk in the park.

Get down to edits

Pay special attention to the introductionit should be of interest first to the editor, then to reviewers and readers. Often the introduction becomes the reason for the failure of the editorial board to publish.

Be self critical

Try to make your article ultimately a useful gift to the reader. Therefore, before being sent to the editorial office, let the colleagues read it and listen to their comments. They can come in handy. If your article is not accepted, treat the editorial criticism as a free help.It’s really great when smart people, after reading your article, think and offer you for free how to improve it.