5 reasons why today’s youngsters should definitely read the book ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ by Robert Kiyosaki

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Robert Kiyosaki is half Indian and half American writer who has written 19 books in total. Out of all the books, Rich Dad Poor Dad happens to be one of the best books. The purpose of writing this book is to discriminate the viewpoint of both his dads (biological and non-biological). The book comprises nine chapters in total. In this book, the protagonist narrates the story giving an example of the childhood. He narrates the story when his classmates went out for a vacation but never invited the author. So that’s how the story starts and talks about the many significance and downfall of a rich dad and a poor dad. Mentioned below are the lessons that it can teach every youngster.


  • Money is all about your Mindset


The story revolves around the aforementioned point. The first thing that the story teaches is that it points out that money is everything concerning the mindset. In case you understand how this flows and where the weaknesses are, then there are multiple ways of gaining the financial freedom that he talks about in the story. No one has got a proper solution after complaining about money. This is the reason why being moor becomes more of a mental state that the physical situation that one is facing. When you face any monetary problem, you should always consider your mind to be rich in order to resolve your financial issues by staying strong.


  • Mastering emotions are necessary when dealing with monetary affairs


Mastering one’s emotion happens to be a tough job. However, nothing is impossible. In this book, the rich dad mentions the significant emotions that trap most of the people in today’s generation – the two emotions are desire and fear. These two emotions can have a negative impact on the thought process of every individual in making appropriate decisions which aren’t meant for rational purposes. If you choose thoughts you can definitely confront fear and weakness apart from other negative emotions. These will also help you in thinking about the solutions to financial challenges.


  • Learning is a continuous process which doesn’t end after leaving school


When you experience something tremendous, you learn a lot out of it. And most importantly, you shouldn’t be afraid of making mistakes; because this would only help you learn and grow eventually. Once you leave school, you’re not ending the process of learning. Schools might be the educational institutions from where you get degrees, but it is never the ultimate path to live and grow. You might put an end to education, but you can’t put an end to learning. Prosperity meaning in hindi is समृद्धि or wealth which is a state of being prosperous. And prosperity can only be received when you realize the experience that taught you multiple things.


  • You always have a choice in life


You might fail to realize that you actually have the ability to choose your life and make choices. How you earn and how you invest are entirely dependent on your choices. In recent years, there are multiple ways of generating income. And if you don’t like what you’re doing, then you can switch over to another job and explore multiple options only to escape from the rat-race of mankind.


  • Ignorance is the mode to financial troubles


The story revolves around his dad and his best friend (the poor man who he considers as the non-biological dad). If you are ignorant and spend money unnecessarily, then you are bound to face financial troubles. This is because of the fact that no one has educated you about this matter. As a matter of fact, financial terms are tremendously complex. You should think about the future and invest accordingly.

This was everything that youngsters should know about dealing with life. Reading this book would be beneficial, for it will teach you more lessons.