5 Skills You’ll Learn in Bread Making Classes in Singapore

You may benefit from taking bread making classes in Singapore for many reasons. It’s a productive hobby that will result in delicious and nutritious food you can keep in your pantry for days. You’ll also have complete control of what goes in your bread, so you know exactly what is going into your body when you eat it.

However, one of the best benefits of learning how to make bread is the skills and knowledge you will acquire from the classes. There’s more to making bread than meets the eye, and you’ll be able to learn all the necessary skills when you sign up for a bread baking course. Here are five skills you’ll learn in bread making classes in Singapore.

1. Understanding of ingredients and their role in bread making

One of the most important things you will learn in bread making classes in Singapore is how each ingredient affects the bread as it comes together. Have you ever wondered how yeast makes bread rise and gives it the distinct flavour and texture we all know and love? Do you know how different types of flour affect your bread and how to choose the best one for the kind of bread you want? Understanding the role of each ingredient will help you make better bread and give you the confidence to adjust recipes to suit your taste and lifestyle.

2. Kneading Techniques

Kneading is one of the essential steps of making bread; without kneading, you won’t be able to develop any gluten that gives bread its texture and formation. Bread making classes in Singapore can help you learn the proper kneading techniques, how to get your dough to the right consistency, and how to recognise when your dough is kneaded enough.

3. Understanding Dough Fermentation

Fermentation is the process by which yeast converts sugars into carbon dioxide, causing the dough to rise. The fermentation process is vital to the structure of your bread, especially certain bread types like sourdough. Bread baking courses for beginners can teach you how to monitor and control fermentation to ensure that your bread rises appropriately.

4. Shaping and baking techniques

Have you ever wanted to know how to shape your bread the same way you see them in bakeries? Bread baking courses for beginners can teach you how to shape dough into different forms, such as rounds, batards, and boules. You will also learn how to properly score the bread, which gives it the iconic cuts and designs you see on top of professionally-baked bread.

5. Bread troubleshooting

One of the lessons you’ll learn in bread making classes in Singapore is that making mistakes is inevitable; the only thing you can do about it is how to fix them. You will learn how to fix over-fermented dough or under-risen bread, among other bread-baking issues.

Are you looking for bread baking courses for beginners? Bespoke Bread provides accessible bread baking workshops to help bakers of all skill levels. Whether you’ve been baking for years or have no experience in the kitchen, you’ll come out of their workshops knowing how to make delicious bread for you and your family. For more information on their baking courses, visit Bespoke Bread’s website today.