Intuition and how it can be useful to you

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Most of you might have experienced or felt at least for a moment that something isn’t right. There can hardly be anyone who has not to experience such a feeling at least once in their lifetime.  It is a sort of negative feeling that arises of its own when you are walking down a deserted lane late in the evening. This feeling might have popped up and you would have just dismissed the negative feeling that arises terming it as illogical or nonsensical. We are so used to take note of and give importance to the rational thoughts that we hardly pay any attention to the inner voice or instinct that is deep down the layers of logic. You would understand it better when you Define intuitive feeling

How can you Define intuitive thinking

If you are to Define intuitive feeling or gut feeling, it refers to a sudden feeling or sensation that occurs quickly in the consciousness. It is noticeable and can be acted upon if you choose to, but, you will not be fully aware of the reasons for its occurrence. This intuitive feeling can be helpful to us in many ways. but, the most important among them is decision-making.  

How will intuition help in decision-making

You might have noticed that when you Define intuitive feeling that intuition actually is the process that empowers you and would help you to know about something without being backed by any analysis or reasoning. This is because intuition can be considered as a bridge that would make up for the gap between the conscious and unconscious part of the mind or in other words the gap between instinct and reason. The ability to use both the instinct as well as the reason is considered as a feature that differentiates man from an animal. A number of times your instincts and reasons would have ensured that the decisions you make for yourselves, for the family, as well as for your business are successful. Sadly, most of the time you would not be keen on accepting or acknowledging the use of instincts as a guidance tool as much as you acknowledge the role of reasoning in the successful decision-making process.  

The fact that has been established by studies that 80% of your brain’s gray matter is dedicated to unconscious thoughts when compared to 20% associated with conscious thought. This clearly goes to show that using both logic as well as instinct would be the tools that would help you strike a balance in decision-making.

How to listen to your intuitive voice?

There are a number of ways to train yourself to listen to the inner voice and avoid mistrusting the cryptic messages that your instincts send to you. It includes

Engaging in a dialogue– This is one of the best ways to train your mind that has long been ignoring the intuitive self in you to connect it with your practical decisions. When you engage in a dialogue with the inner voice, you would be aware of what it is conveying.

Keeping a journal– This refers to the act of jotting down whatever you think on a paper. This will help you to open up your unconscious mind.

Listening without Judgment– As you already noticed while you Define intuitive feeling, you tend to dismiss it even before you realize that a feeling has occurred by rationalizing the same.  When you listen without judgment you would be aware of the feelings.

Listen to your inner intuitive voice. Use it along with rational reasoning to ensure better decision-making.