3 Common Hardships When Trying Classical Ballet Class in Singapore

Beginning in the 1500s, ballet can trace its beginnings in Italy. Originating from the Italian word ballare, meaning “to dance”, the dance was first popularised when it spread to French courts through the marriage of Catherine de Medici to then-French king Henry II. Over the years, official terminology for the art of ballet developed until it resembled the modern dances of today. Russian and French ballet gradually developed their styles and characters to produce a rich medley of cultural and historical dances.

If you intend to take ballet beginner classes in Singapore, there are many ballet types you can choose from. Among them are ballet styles called classical ballet. Much of what developed in earlier centuries is now called classical ballet.

Today, classical ballet is one of the most formal and rigorous dances out there. Classical ballet is several ballet styles that employ only classical ballet techniques. Depending on the variation, it can be further classified based on the area of origin the techniques come from, like Russian ballet, British ballet, French ballet, etc.

Classical ballet is a highly respected art form that has a rich history. Many who get into dance often start young, and professional dancers may encounter a few problems and issues when they start to take dancing seriously. You’ll have to consider these issues if you’re looking into a ballet class in Singapore to do it professionally (or at least seriously enough to do it regularly).


Taking regular classes in ballet requires a significant degree of flexibility and strength. Unfortunately, having high flexibility is a tradeoff for muscle strength. Ballet dancers are at higher risk of experiencing aches in this region. Regularly massage your feet and know your limits.


Pain is just going to be a fact of life as a dancer. Learning how to execute those beautiful moves comes with a price. There are many ways to cope with pain– some dancers treat themselves to therapy, or have ways to rest. When taking a ballet class in Singapore, remember to rest and learn how to manage pain.


The rigorous training isn’t just a strain on your physique but your psyche as well. Learning how to manage it is imperative if you are determined to learn classical ballet. 

With BalletBody, you can explore and take your passion for ballet wherever it takes you.

You should inquire about adult ballet classes in Singapore by checking out their website.