6 Things to Know Before You Buy College Textbooks

Are you a student preparing for college? If so, then you’re probably discovering how expensive higher education can be.

This is especially true if your parents aren’t independently wealthy and you’re having to pay for everything yourself. That’s why you need to understand some ways to cut costs everywhere possible. This includes looking for ways to save money on textbooks.

Fortunately, you’ve come to the right place for help. This article takes a look at some important things to know before you buy college textbooks. Keep reading to get the inside scoop.

  1. Buy Older Versions of Specific Textbooks

It should come as no surprise to anyone that publishers release new editions of most textbooks every few years. After all, texts need to contain current material, thus publishers generally update the material as needed.

And yet it’s important to remember that the majority of the material contained in these texts remains unchanged. This means it’s really unnecessary to pay a premium for an unused book.

Keep in mind that older versions can typically be purchased at a deep discount. Therefore you will have the advantage of having most of the material you need without having to spend a small fortune on a brand new text.

  1. Use Open Educational Resources Whenever Possible

Before spending big bucks on expensive textbooks, it’s also important to understand that there are tons of great OERs available for free online. These are provided by public interest advocacy groups that offer teaching materials to students.

Taking advantage of these educational resources is the ideal way to have access to the materials you need without the outlandish costs of traditional texts for your classes.

  1. Trade with Other Students

You should also get in the habit of trading textbooks with fellow students. After all, thousands of students on every campus end up taking the same classes over the course of their years together. This gives you a chance to swap books for classes you’ve already taken rather than forking over cash for texts that others no longer need.

Trading is most useful for students in the same field of study because you know that your peers will already have books that you need, and vice versa.

  1. Buy Used Whenever Possible

This is one of the most obvious tips for saving money on college textbooks. Simply put, you should avoid purchasing a brand new text anytime a used version is available. The key is to find websites that buy used college textbooks.

For example, you can shop books here.

  1. Apply for Textbook Scholarships

Believe it or not, some schools actually offer scholarships intended to help eligible students get the texts they need. The amount of these scholarships vary, but just remember that every dollar matters.

  1. Rent Digital Textbooks

Here is another option that’s become increasingly popular in recent years. Renting textbooks for classes enables you to read the texts on your mobile devices rather than paying full price or having to carry an armload of books from building to building on campus.

A Guide to Great Tips On Saving Plenty of Cash When You Buy College Textbooks

Going to college is one of the best experiences in life. Fortunately, these tips for saving money when you buy college will help make your pursuit of higher education as affordable as possible.

Keep scrolling to find more great educational tips and advice on this blog.