How To Find The Right Belly Dance Instructor

Even though it might seem easy to dance, it is more challenging than it looks. The same goes for traditional dances like belly dancing. Before belly dancers are ready for hire, they spend countless hours practising the art of belly dancing. 

If you want to learn belly dancing, watching online tutorials will not suffice. You will not be able to move as smoothly as a professional belly dancer unless you receive face-to-face instruction from a belly dance instructor.

To help you find the right belly dance instructor, take note of the following tips. Doing so should help ease your search and start your belly dance journey as soon as possible.

7 Tips For Finding The Right Belly Dance Instructor For You

1. Years Of Experience

When choosing a belly dance instructor, you should opt for the one with the lengthiest years of experience. That means they belly dance many times and teach countless students. 

If you have found a belly dance studio instead, you may ask each of the belly dance instructors they have about their years of experience. Doing so should help determine if you should enrol in a belly dance class under your proffered belly dance instructor

2. Offers Classes Suitable For Your Age

The next thing you should consider is age appropriateness. Remember that some belly dance instructors teach children, while others only offer classes to adults. If there is no age range listed on the website, consider asking them through email or chat. 

3. Class Size

A belly dance class with fewer students is preferable. You can learn much faster since your chosen belly dance instructor will pay more attention to every student. 

4. Give A Trial Class A Try

If you are unsure whether or not to enrol yourself in a belly dance class, give a trial class a try. Attending as a temporary student allows you to see the belly dancing lesson a closer look. 

5. Pleasing and Friendly Outlook

While attending a trial belly dance class in Singapore, consider observing the belly dance instructor and seeing how friendly their outlook is. Students can ask questions with ease if they look pleasing to the eye. 

6. Excellent Communication Skills

Besides having an easier-to-approach vibe, they should complement it with excellent communication skills. Doing so should help the students understand their belly dancing instruction and move the body as instructed. 

7. Motivate You

An excellent belly dance instructor should also know how to motivate the students, especially beginners, in belly dancing. Otherwise, students will give up pursuing their belly dance journey. 

Start Your Belly Dance Journey With The Right Belly Dance Instructor!

Take your time searching for the best belly dance instructor since many belly dancers are available for hire that also teaches belly dancing. Remember to weigh the pros and cons of your options before making a final decision.

Start your search by checking out Bellydance Haven. You will learn the things they offer and determine whether or not they will be the ones that can teach you how to belly dance in Singapore.