Learning English Made Easy

Yellow Tassel

It is not a known fact that English is a predominant language that is spoken in the world. It has transformed from a regional language into a global one, and its domination is such that nowadays it the language of science, internet, computers, religion, entertainment, diplomats, bearcats, officers, politician, in fact, the whole world. It doesn’t matter whether you look into some town of India or suburb in Western Europe, you will always be able to find some English speaker. At this point, there are more than 400 million people in the world who can converse in speak English while it is the official language of 53 countries.

If that does not convince you that importance of it, then according to estimates by 2020 there will be two billion people worldwide who will be learning it. Its position can be further solidified by the fact that English is the language of business and if you are fluent in English, your chances of working in big firm exponentially increase than compared to a non-English speaker. You do not have to worry if you are not fluent in the language since you can get English tutoring to help you get exposure to the language. This is why learning English is so important, and these are the few steps through which it can be made super easy and fun.

  1. Have a Particular vision:

Before you decide about the best way you can learn English, you need to be clear as to why you are learning it. You need to have a clear vision so that you will be able to improve your language skills. Perhaps you want to do it as a hobby since you like learning different languages or you want to work in an environment where speaking English is mandatory. In any case, having a clear vision should be your first task since it would help you to focus on your goals and be consistent with your efforts throughout the learning period. Another main issue which people face is that although they are excited to learn a language, in the beginning, they soon find themselves losing interest. This is mainly due to them not having a clear purpose while you will not face such issues if you have a clear vision. If you feel that you are suffering from any such issues, you can take the help and go for English tutoring, who might be able to help you in setting your goals

  1. Set your goals:

Now that you have decided why you need to study the language, the next step is to set the targets that you want to meet. Although you will likely wonder at the beginning, how much time is required for you to be fluent in the language, it entirely depends upon you. If you take a proactive approach and have a proper schedule, you can become fluent in a far less tie compared to your peers who do not have specific goals to achieve and study whenever they are in the mood. Having set goals would allow you to track your performance and take the necessary action so that you can meet your targets. For example, you plan a trip to the United Kingdom next summer to meet your friend, and you want to be fluent enough to introduce yourself comfortably to others. Now this goal is specific enough for you to work on and is also realistic since you will likely not become completely fluent in the language in a year.

  1. Maintain the right balance:

After reading the above paragraph, I am sure that you are excited to learn the language quickly and start practising for five hours every day. Well, I have to stop you there since that would not help you progress any quicker. The key is not to learn too much of the language early but to take it slow and practice consistently. Since the four language skills consist of reading, writing, speaking and listening, and you have to pay close attention to all of them, you must find the right balance. If you spend too much time on one skill, that does not mean that you have proficiency over the language and things can become difficult for you if you do not know about the rules of different skills involved in the language. These skills are interdependent upon each other and focusing on one while ignoring the others aren’t going to do you any good, the key is to maintain the right balance and divide your time equally and focusing at them individually. This is where most of the people tend to make a mistake.

  1. Practice makes you Perfect:

Now that you have set your goals and have found the right balance, what you need to do is Practice consistently and repeat the entire thin. In simple words, there is no shortcut to learning a language unless you are willing to get your hands dirty. You need to do everything and anything that will help you improve your English language skills. What most people are afraid of is making a mistake, and they are simply willing to give up on their hard work, all because they are afraid of being called out for. What you need to understand is without making a mistake; there is no alternative to it. We human learn everything through the process of trial and error and making a mistake is part and parcel of the entire process. The key to success is not giving up on it.

Some way that you might help you in improving your English is listening to audio dialogues, movies and tv shows and understanding how they converse and address each other. Another method that you can try is practising experiences that are available online and working them out. You also need to read books consistently, as although it might be a little hard in the beginning, however with time it also gets easier. And to work on your speaking spells, you should try to converse in English with your family and friends or if possible, try to surround yourself with English speakers for most of our time. That way your brain can learn quickly by trying to imitate them


Learning a language is easy. All you need to do practice and work out which way suits you the best. Learn to experiment and don’t be afraid to make a mistake, since this is how we all learn.