Perks of Participating in Part 135 Online Training

A few months back, the words distance support, online, e-learning, and e-training have taken center stage due to the world we currently live in today. With many of us unable to travel or even attend classes, we’ve had to resort to online learning, which isn’t all that bad compared to the normal learning people are used to. In fact, some people would much rather prefer doing their learning online because of the various perks one can enjoy. Thinking of taking on part 135 online training? That might be the way to go. Here are some of the different ways you stand benefiting.

Less Intimidating

It is a widely known fact that many students in classroom environments aren’t comfortable speaking in public. They can get social anxiety, and this, in fact, could hinder their learning. In an online environment, they don’t have to deal with this problem, and it can be much easier to share thoughts with others. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 74 percent of people suffer from speech anxiety, and this isn’t ideal when they have to stand and speak in front of a classroom full of people. Online education tends to foster better class participation, which plays a significant role in the success of a student.

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You Can Review Lectures Instantly

With physical learning, there’s a hundred percent chance you’ll lose your concentration at some point, especially during long lectures. Once you lose concentration, you might miss a key point the lecturer may have mentioned and no chance whatsoever to revisit. With online training, you can record classes and then listen to them at a later time. This gives you a second chance of hearing the lecture, and you might be able to understand a few bits that weren’t so clear at the time of the lecture.

Flexible Schedule

You can’t mention part 135 online training and not mention the fact that it gives you the freedom to learn on your own terms. Do you have a day job that you have to get to? Do you have kids that need taking care of? Do you have pressing errands to run that you can’t fix in a three-hour class without inconveniencing yourself? Well, you don’t have to worry because you can get your online training at whatever time you want. You can always move around your class schedule to fix in other important stuff instead of having to move around important stuff to fix in a lesson.

Reduced Cost

The tuition cost might be almost the same as compared to campus-based learning, but the difference in other costs can be quite huge. Some people have to travel across the world to do their exams, others have to pay for accommodation and other expenses. All these costs are eliminated because you can do everything from the comfort of your living room or bedroom, whichever you choose.


With all these benefits, there is no reason why you should pass up a chance to further your learning even when the world is at a standstill.