Ways To Improve Child’s Social Skills

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Being social and socially responsible is not a quality that everyone is blessed with. Taking care of the people around you, being polite and down-to-earth, and having a selfless attitude is a part of parenthood. The young ones must know all these qualities from the beginning to become a better and socially responsible person as they grow up. Age three to seven is a very sensitive age where the brain develops to the fullest. The rest of the lives is just related to the enhancement of the skills and thoughts.

It is not just the duty of parents to make their children stronger in their personality but also the responsibility of schools and childcare centers to nurture the little ones. Child care in Sydney has a well-planned curriculum that includes all necessary activities that can bring harmony and friendliness in their attitude.

To see your kid successful, you must work on their social skills. These skills are more important than their academic skills because a friendly and calm person can earn from his or her degree. A highly qualified person cannot succeed if he or she is an introvert or an arrogant person.

There are several ways through which you can make your child develop a positive attitude towards his or her surroundings. Some of these methods must be adopted by schools and childcare centers to improve learning and social skills of the students. Keep reading to find out those methods.

  1. Kids Learn From What They Witness

The most important thing to consider is the actions. You must have heard the famous saying that kids learn from what they see rather than what they listen. This is 100 percent accurate. Kids from ages three to seven listen to only 30 percent of their parents’ sayings. Their personality buildup is primarily dependent on the actions of the parents. You can observe this in your kids whenever you want. No matter what you tell regarding socialism, they will do what they see you doing.

If you are a little aggressive while talking, they will adopt the same. If you are polite with everyone, they will be polite as well.

As Robert Fulghum says in one of his books, “Do not worry that your kids do not listen to you, but worry that they are watching you.”

  1. Labeling Your Kid Shy Is Not a Wise Choice 

One of the common mistakes that parents commit is labeling their child as shy. Never do that. The more you call them shy, the more they will lose the social skills they have. Instead, tell them that they have to improve.

Teaching the importance of friends and social skills so that they feel excited about it. Otherwise, they will only feel a burden on their shoulders.

Note that your kids will never interact with others if you do not interact much with people.

  1. Teach Them Techniques to Tackle Shyness 

If your kid is shy, teach them how to tackle shyness instead of complaining. Complains will demotivate them. Encourage them to be more friendly, polite, and caring.

You can always use stories as a tool for explaining any idea to the toddlers. They will not only listen to you but also understand the meaning of social responsibility.

  1. Lecture Them about Empathy 

Friendliness is the most important social skill that every human should have. The growing age is the best time to teach empathy. Their habits will get stronger as they grow.

Being a parent, you must teach them sharing and caring. You can also discuss this with the teachers. At schools, teachers must also encourage the sharing of meals and belongings.

  1. Make Them Interact with Others Often 

If you feel like your kid does not interact with a lot of people, plan a time for interaction for the child. Take him or her to the park. Ask your kid to make new friends.

Tell the child every morning to be friendly with the class fellows. Regularly ask him or her about the day spent at the school. Ask how the friends are and what they like. If your kid does not share a lot about the friends, he or she has, increase the frequency and number of questions to ask. Communicate with the teacher to encourage your child to interact with more class fellows.

  1. Focus On Their Tone

The tone is a major contributor to the development of social skills. Elaborating the idea of socialism is good, but if their tone is arrogant, the theories become useless.

Teach them to be polite while interacting with someone. Tell them stories that show how bad tone can affect relationships and damage the reputation of a person.

  1. Your Excessive Intervention Might Make Them Aggressive 

Never pressurize kids for learning something. Instead of learning, they will run away from it their entire lives. Keep everything calm and steady. Teach them every important thing but at a slow speed. Do not try to fill their minds in a day or two. They will take the time to learn what you follow.

The excessive intervention of the parents often ruins the situation. Explain them once or twice and then leave them to follow themselves.

The Final Word

These methods are effective in developing social skills in kids. It is not just the responsibility of parents but also the responsibility of childcare centers to assure the development of social skills.

Parents and schools both can practice them with kids for better social skills. After all, social skills are the most-needed attribute. Any problems with these skills can affect the entire life of the little ones.