What Are My Career Options With a Health Science Degree?

Jobs in the healthcare industry are some of the fastest-growing occupations in the United States, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. With an aging and growing population, there will be an endless opportunity for those looking to break into the field with job opportunities. Because of the high demand for workers, salaries are growing too.  

The health sciences field uses technology, engineering, and science to work in the health field. But what kinds of jobs are available? How will you make a living?

Here are some career options with a health science degree. 

Career Options Begin With Administrative Jobs  

Running a nursing home, assisted living facility or managing staff at a healthcare facility are career options with a health science degree. You’ll work with the doctors, nurses, and clinicians to make sure the staff runs smoothly. You’ll oversee budgets and the hiring of staff. 

Outside of healthcare, there are many private companies that run wellness, fitness, or nutrition programs. You’ll play a vital role in overseeing their implementation and execution.  

To prepare for an administrative job in health sciences, consider an online health science bachelor degree. This can help you advance your career and advance your job opportunities. They can help with career advice and get you on the right path. 

Clinical Jobs 

In hospitals and other healthcare facilities, there are plenty of job opportunities with a health science degree doing clinical-type work. 

Nurses, technicians, and therapists all work in various roles by working with patients and doctors in a hospital setting. They work in the operating room, help people with breathing disorders, and read x-rays and other medical tests. They prepare reports for physicians and others to make sure patients get the care they need. 

Many of these job opportunities will also mean new additional certifications and additional degrees. There are many education options to consider if you want to further your career. 

Health Education 

Health educators work in schools and clinics to educate the public about the dangers of diseases and other health conditions. They can also work with nonprofits to help get the word out to rural communities where access to health care might be challenging. 

In some cases, they can work with government agencies about health policy and deal with socio-economic issues and healthcare. They can advise administrations on developing health outreach efforts and budgets. 

Medical or Pharmaceutical Sales

When selling pharmaceuticals or medical devices, you need a scientific background. You need to have knowledge of how certain drugs work and how different devices are relevant to certain conditions. You will receive certain products to doctors and hospitals. 

A job opportunity in this area of health sciences could be lucrative, especially if you have great people and organization skills.  

Career Options With a Health Science Degree

There are many career options with a health science degree, including administrative jobs, clinical jobs, health education, and medical and pharmaceutical sales. These positions are in demand and pay is increasing. If you found this information helpful, find more advice and tips on our website.