JEE Advanced Books Every Aspirant Should Have

 The JEE exams are massively important to any student looking to get one of the best engineering degrees offered in the country. The exam which is conducted in two stages, the first stage being the JEE Mains conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). After clearing the JEE Mains, you will be qualified for the second stage which is JEE Advanced being conducted by the joint admission board of the IIT’s. Thus, it is quite evident that clearing JEE is no easy task, not by a long shot. A thorough and sturdy study plan has to be implemented with the right resources if you hope to rank well and get through the exams.

If you are talented enough to clear the first stage, the JEE mains, the next hurdle is a level up; JEE Advanced. A general and highly relevant piece of advice would be to have a strong foundation on the basics of the syllabus. Understand and study the NCERT Textbook topics thoroughly. Once you have a clear understanding of the basics, then only can you move onto the more advanced questions which are usually asked for the JEE Advanced. Having a proper understanding of the basics will help you to understand the questions more easily and get accustomed to any unexpected changes in the question pattern when you get the question paper. With a wide variety of textbooks being available in the market and each claiming to be the best for the concerned subject, any aspiring student will be perplexed thinking which book to buy and what to study.

Let me give you a few suggestions on books which have helped students in previous years to give their best for their JEE Advanced exam and have been seconded by school teachers for their on point answers yet detailed explanation of particular concepts.

            Fundamentals of Physics by Halliday, Resnick and Walker Inorganic Chemistry For IIT-JEE by O.P. Tandon Problems Plus in IIT Mathematics by A Das Gupta
Physics for JEE Advance by BM Sharma J.D. Lee Concise Inorganic Chemistry for Jee, Third edition 2016 Textbook of Co-ordinate Geometry for IIT-JEE by A. Majeed
Understanding Physics Series (Set of 5 Books) by DC Pandey Physical Chemistry for JEE Main & Advanced 2016 By Wiley Editorial Team Problems in Calculus of One Variable by I. A. Maron for Calculus
Problems in General Physics by I. E. Irodov Organic Chemistry by Morrison and Boyd Trigonometry by S L Loney
Concepts of Physics by H. C. Verma Numerical Chemistry by P Bahadur Higher Algebra by Hall and Knight Cengage publications

Thus we have listed about 16 books in total of Maths, Chemistry and Physics. Going through all of these books is not easy but use the available books for multiple explanations to a topic and pick the most apt one for you. Going through these texts alone will not help you outperform the competition. Go through previous year questions, solve them, get accustomed to the style of the questions but bear in mind that the probability of JEE questions repeating over successive years is almost a definite zero. If books aren’t your thing, check out this YouTube channel which I’m sure can help you study topics of JEE Advanced in a much better way-
